Saturday, February 26, 2005

Andrea King Kelly: August 18, 1953-February 17, 2005

This blog has been established as a memorial to Andrea King Kelly, who died February 17, 2005.

Andrea was a hugely gifted poet and fiction writer, a sweet-tempered and lovely woman who was also, unfortunately, haunted by many demons during the course of her fifty-one years. At this site we hope to honor her memory honestly with anecdotes, samples of her writing, photographs, and other such elements as the posters deem important. While the number of "official" posters is limited, we welcome all comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this the same Andrea King from Enterprise Alabama, graduated 1973

10:46 AM, July 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant from Enterprise HS graduated 1971 and then moved to Panama City Fl
*kindred timeless spirit

11:19 AM, July 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, that's the very same Andrea King. Did you know her from Enterprise?

2:39 PM, July 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes John I did on and off from 1971 to 1975. I knew her older sister Carol also. I met Andrea briefly again in 1985 in Panama City, when she was a hostess at a supper club and lived on Hamilton Ave. We shared (what I can best describe as) a oneness in the summer of 1973 in Enterprise. A special *** time with her I never forgot. We parted ways and I tried to keep track of her over the years until I found this BLOG 5 days ago and have been in disbelief since reading it. Though out paths diverged long ago it's funny how after almost 30 years Andrea's passing could have such an effect. But thats how she was... Judging by the size of this BLOG she was much loved, I can understand why. There is so much more.....There are mutual friends who certainly haven't heard this news yet.
I have two questions perhaps probably better posed at AKKMEMORIAL@EARTHLINK.NET. Do you monitor that site? Is it an active site? I can also transmit memorabilia from Andrea there. Perhaps you will see fit to post it someday.
v/r ED

11:14 AM, August 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed --

I'll reply more fully via e-mail. For now, thanks for sharing those memories of Andrea!


8:06 PM, August 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm VERY sorry to hear this! I didn't know until tonight, when I googled her name after I was telling a friend about her wonderful poem, "Red Moon", which I read years ago.

1:07 AM, June 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I left that last comment. I really enjoy Andrea's poems and I was wondering if there was any possibility of seeing more of Andrea's work. I've tried looking online but haven't had much luck.


9:58 PM, June 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first time I saw my baby sister she was bundled in a bassinet. I was three years old and curios "who could be in the bassinet?"I remember the sense of wonder I felt when I saw the beautiful heart shaped face with sleeping eyes closed; Andrea. The last time I saw my sister she was in a coffin; her face so sweet and eyes closed in death. I kissed her forehead and like a child I wondered why she was cold. Later, accepting the truth, I howled at the darkness until a star went out in the sky.

5:02 PM, January 31, 2009  
Blogger angie118 said...

I just discovered this spot and learned of Andrea's death years ago. We met in Hinesville, GA when her family moved there in the late 60's and became good friends - I visited her twice in Enterprise after her family moved back. We were very close for years but lost touch afterwards (marriages / divorces / moves etc.) We shared our writings - love of music and in general had so much fun together. I've wondered so often where she was and in googling on a whim today I found this blog. Naturally I was shocked and so at loss for words ... in losing touch - I lost so much more. Reading her poetry was wonderful - even as a young girl, she had the gift and a wonderful voice. I would love to hear back from someone to learn more. I can be reached by email at: Thank you - Angela Wells Tucker / Greenville, SC

3:28 PM, March 06, 2012  

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